Who is the water treatment suitable for?
Pregnant women
Post Trauma (PTSD)
Back problems (ballet / disc herniation)
Orthopedic problems
For those undergoing surgery who want to get stronger before a surgical procedure
Rehabilitation after knee / hip / ankle / elbow / shoulder surgery
For those suffering from leg strain crises
Ankle sprain / recurrent ankle sprains
Stress and anxiety
Asthma and breathing problems
Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue
What is hydrotherapy?
Hydro = water Therapy = treatment
The unique properties of water offer many benefits in the restoration process. Buoyancy is a major component that reduces body weight while in the water. Reducing the load on the body joints and spinal vertebrae helps in reducing the pressure on the nervous system and pain. For people suffering from diseases and joint pain, overweight, herniated disc, back pain And pregnant women Water is an ideal and sometimes, exclusively, exclusive therapeutic dimension. The activity in the water allows for maintaining and increasing ranges of motion, lowering the pain threshold, strengthening muscles and improving daily functioning.
Hydrotherapy for the elderly
Falls are the sixth largest cause of death in the United States. One in three adults, over the age of 65, will fall at least once a year. Of all the falls, about 5% will end in a fracture! Severe impairment of independent functioning and sometimes even death. The estimated financial cost, in the United States alone, as a result of the falls is about $ 16 billion! These data show that the percentage of falls in the population is extremely high, hence the importance of preventing them.
Equilibrium The ability to maintain the center of gravity of the body within the support base. Equilibrium is maintained through three main systems, in the body:
The sensory system that receives stimuli from the environment and thus creates an up-to-date snapshot of the body's position at any given moment, this system includes three components: vision, the vestibular system - in the ears, and a system of sensors inside the joints that transmit to the brain.
Central nervous system Responsible for transmitting information to the brain, and from there back to the body. ("Transport line" that serves as a road for transmitting the messages to the brain, and on the other hand in the opposite path transmits the instructions of the brain back to the body).
Skeletal muscle system Consists mainly of bones and muscles. Its main function is to prevent falls through equilibrium reactions. (When I am about to fall the brain will pass instruction to the relevant muscles to stop the fall, for example sending the leg forward) Many studies show that, with age, there is a decrease in the level of function of these systems. For example, the quality of vision is impaired, the muscles are weaker, and so on. These studies show that these changes are partly reversible and exercise can contribute greatly to improving those weakened components such as muscle strength, reaction speed, etc. It should be noted that these components can be improved at any age, even if the same person has not been active before.
Water has significant benefits to practice equilibrium:
The buoyancy of the water reduces the weight of the practitioner and thus his grip on the ground is smaller and easier to appeal. (Who is easier to move? Cat or elephant)
The vortices formed in the water during activity cause a constant stimulation of the body to maintain balance.
The power of buoyancy and the heat of the water reduce the load on the joints and relax the muscles, thus often reducing pain and allowing focused practice without distractions and difficulties.
Safety : Falling situations can be caused without fear of falling, thus exposing the practitioner to extreme situations he may experience in reality.
Fun and challenging activity.
Improving balance in order to prevent falls
Most of the focus on improving balance is through exercises on land by exposing the person in a controlled manner to balance disorders, which stimulates the body's balance systems with an emphasis on the skeletal muscle system. A fall will correct and bloom.
Improving balance through water practice
Studies suggest that equilibrium responses, from age 65 and up, can be improved by practicing in water.
Nowadays as the awareness of physical training at all ages increases it is very important to place emphasis not only on strengthening muscles and improving cardiopulmonary endurance but also improving balance in order to reduce the risk of falls, especially in the elderly. One of the options for improving balance is through water training. Water training is challenging, safe and fun and has been proven to be effective and efficient for improving balance. It should be noted that in addition to improving balance, training in water helps a lot in strengthening muscles, improving lung endurance, weight reduction and more.